The Rucio Data Lake
The Data Lake infrastructure is made up of distributed Storage Elements and of a reliable framework to upload and transfer data between them. An overview of the available Rucio Storage Elements (RSEs) can be found in the Grafana monitoring dashboard, which are useful to inspect the RSE transfer details.
If you do not have access to the dashboard, register with a CERN SSO account, please get in touch through the Slack channel. The location of the storage elements, which are provided and maintained by European partner institutions, is shown on the map, and a list of them is reported in the table.
Rucio Storage Element (site-technology) | Location |
CC_DCACHE | Centre de Calcul, (IN2P3), Lyon, FR |
CERN-EOS | European Organization for Nuclear Research, Meyrin, CH |
CESNET-S3 | Czech Education and Scientific NETwork, Prague, CZ |
CNAF-STORM | Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Bologna, IT |
DESY-DCACHE | Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg, DE |
IN2P3_LAPP-DCACHE | Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (CNRS/IN2P3), Annecy, FR |
INFN_NAPOLI-DCACHE | Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Napoli, IT |
PIC-DCACHE | Port d’Informació Científica, Barcelona, ES |
This guide takes a look at how to install the Rucio client environment in two different ways.
- Installing the required packages on your local machine.
- Using a Docker container. Docker technologies mitigate dependency and platform specific issues, and are therefore recommended; however, if you want to upload large data that are present on your system, you will need to copy them inside the Docker container, and then upload them on the Rucio Data Lake. This might be cumbersome, especially if you are dealing with large files.
In general, there are two main ways to authenticate to the Rucio instance: via X509 certificates and via OIDC tokens. These two ways require different configuration files for Rucio.
X509 Rucio configuration
The X509 certificate is placed in the .globus/
The rucio.cfg
file is usually placed in the /opt/rucio/etc/
rucio_host =
auth_host =
ca_cert = /etc/pki/tls/certs/CERN-bundle.pem
auth_type = x509_proxy
account = <myrucioaccount>
client_cert = .globus/usercert.pem
client_key = .globus/userkey.pem
client_x509_proxy = /tmp/x509up_u0 #(or check where the voms-proxy-init command saves the proxy file!)
permission = escape
schema = escape
lfn2pfn_algorithm_default = hash
support =
support_rucio =
OIDC token Rucio configuration
The rucio.cfg
file is usually placed in the /opt/rucio/etc/
rucio_host =
auth_host =
ca_cert = /etc/pki/tls/certs/CERN-bundle.pem
auth_type = oidc
account = <myrucioaccount>
oidc_audience = rucio
oidc_scope = openid profile offline_access wlcg wlcg.groups fts:submit-transfer
request_retries = 3
oidc_issuer = escape
oidc_polling = true
auth_oidc_refresh_activate = true
permission = escape
schema = escape
lfn2pfn_algorithm_default = hash
1. Manual installation
We assume you are running the commands from a CentOS Linux distribution, in our case a CS8 - x86_64
image. Run the commands in the following order:
yum install -y epel-release.noarch && \
yum clean all && \
rm -rf /var/cache/yum
yum upgrade -y && \
yum clean all && \
rm -rf /var/cache/yum
yum -y install wget gfal2*
yum -y install && \
yum install -y voms-clients-java gfal2-all gfal2-util python3-gfal2 xrootd-client\
nordugrid-arc-client nordugrid-arc-plugins-gfal \
nordugrid-arc-plugins-globus nordugrid-arc-plugins-s3 \
nordugrid-arc-plugins-xrootd && \
yum clean all && \
rm -rf /var/cache/yum
Then, install the certificates for the VOMS validation:
curl -Lo /etc/yum.repos.d/EGI-trustanchors.repo && yum -y update && yum -y install ca-certificates ca-policy-egi-core fetch-crl && yum clean all && rm -rf /var/cache/yum
curl -Lo /etc/pki/tls/certs/CERN-bundle.pem
mkdir -p /etc/vomses \
&& wget -O /etc/vomses/
mkdir -p /etc/grid-security/vomsdir/escape \
&& wget -O /etc/grid-security/vomsdir/escape/
Next, you need the python rucio-client. We suggest to do this in a fresh virtual environment.
# Latest version of Rucio
export RUCIO_LATEST=1.30.0
python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
python3 -m venv rucio --system-site-packages
source rucio/bin/activate
python3.6 -m pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pip && \
python3.6 -m pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade setuptools && \
python3.6 -m pip install --no-cache-dir --pre rucio-clients==${RUCIO_LATEST} && \
python3.6 -m pip install --no-cache-dir jinja2 j2cli pyyaml
Have your rucio.cfg
file ready in /opt/rucio/etc/
and run:
export RUCIO_CONFIG=/opt/rucio/etc/rucio.cfg
If you use X509 verification, you will also need the command:
voms-proxy-init --voms escape --cert .globus/usercert.pem --key .globus/userkey.pem
Otherwise, if you use tokens, you are good to go.
By typing in the terminal:
$ rucio whoami
you should see your username being recognised. If it is your first time using tokens, you will be redirected to a link starting with ''; click on it and choose the duration of your token. You should be all set up to run your rucio commands!
2. Docker image installation
Docker needs to be installed following the Docker installation instructions. The procedure will change depending on your operating system. The Docker file will extend the Rucio image and will enable the user to interact with the Data Lake. Further information can be found here. The Docker image for this project can be pulled with:
$ docker pull
The image is hosted here.
A default Rucio /opt/rucio/etc/rucio.cfg
file is incorporated into the image and supplied to the container when it is run. The values from this default can be partially or fully overridden by either specifying parameters as environment variables or by mounting a bespoke configuration file.
The -v option is a volume mount, which mounts your certificates from your local directory into the docker container. Make sure to specify the correct origin folder for the certificates, otherwise the command will generate an empty directory inside the container!
To UPLOAD data from the local machine where the Docker container is running to the Rucio Data Lake, you will need to add that directory as a volume mount (with the -v option) to the container for it to be accessible inside the container. Follow the commands below.
To see whether you initialized the Docker container correctly, refer to the Docker documentation. For example, you could run:
$ docker ps -a
The command should show the rucio-client
container running.
a. Run with X.509 authentication
Have your certificate ready and divided into two files named ~/.globus/userkey.pem and ~/.globus/usercert.pem.
docker run --user root -e RUCIO_CFG_CLIENT_CLIENT_X509_PROXY=/tmp/x509up -e RUCIO_CFG_CLIENT_AUTH_TYPE=x509_proxy -e RUCIO_CFG_CLIENT_ACCOUNT=<myrucioname> -v ~/.globus/usercert.pem:/opt/rucio/etc/client.crt -v ~/.globus/userkey.pem:/opt/rucio/etc/client.key -v ./<path_to_local_data_directory>:/home/<path_to_local_data_directory> -it --name=rucio-client
Take the --user root
option away if you encounter problems.
If you cannot log in as root and you get permission errors, add your user account to the docker group:
$ sudo groupadd docker
$ sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
Sometimes you will still need to give the /var/run/docker.sock socket and /var/run/docker directory the proper permissions to make it work:
$ sudo chown root:docker /var/run/docker.sock
$ sudo chown -R root:docker /var/run/docker
Once you are inside the container, generate the proxy:
$ voms-proxy-init --voms escape --cert /opt/rucio/etc/client.crt --key /opt/rucio/etc/client.key --out /tmp/x509up --debug
Without the above command you will not be able to execute uploads and downloads!
After having run it, run rucio whoami
to check you are authenticated against the server.
b. Run with token authentication
You only need to run the container specifying that you want to be authenticated with tokens. You will need to click on a link that authenticates you against the server and you are set to go.
docker run --user root -e RUCIO_CFG_CLIENT_AUTH_TYPE=oidc -e RUCIO_CFG_CLIENT_ACCOUNT=<myrucioname> -v ./<path_to_local_data_directory>:/home/<path_to_local_data_directory> -it --name=rucio-client
c. Run with userpass authentication
$ docker run -e RUCIO_CFG_CLIENT_ACCOUNT=<myrucioaccount> -e RUCIO_CFG_CLIENT_AUTH_TYPE=userpass -e RUCIO_CFG_CLIENT_USERNAME=<myrucioname> -e RUCIO_CFG_CLIENT_PASSWORD=<myruciopassword> -v ./<path_to_local_data_directory>:/home/<path_to_local_data_directory> -it --name=rucio-client
General note: To access the rucio-client Docker container in the future, always use this command from the machine where you have Docker installed:
$ sudo docker exec -it rucio-client /bin/bash
Take a look at some Rucio CLI Quickstart commands to get you familiarised with the main concepts.
Uploading data on the Data Lake
In order to uplaod data on the Data Lake, and supposing that you want to organise your data into data sets, you will need to choose an RSE (Rucio Storage Element), a Scope name and a Dataset name.
The Scope name follows the formatting Experiment_Institute_Project (e.g. ATLAS_LAPP_SP, the EOSC-Future Science Project) The Dataset name follows the formatting ProjectType.DataDescription.DataType (DM.LeptonResonance.Data20015_10TeV, the ProjectType for EOSC-Future is either DM or EU).
You can list the current scopes with:
rucio list-scopes
The current ones are:
SCOPE (Experiment_Institute_Project) | Description |
test | for the admins of the cluster |
ET_OSB_MDC1 | Einstein Telescope_Observational Science Board_Mock Data Challenge 1 |
CMS_CERN_AGC | _Analysis Grand Challenge on CMS data _ |
ATLAS_LAPP_SP | ATLAS_Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules_ScienceProject |
KM3NET_ECAP_SP | Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope_Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics_ScienceProject |
EGO_INFN_GW | European Gravitational Observatory_Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare_Gravitational Waves |
To add a scope, you need to have administrator rights. If you don't have them, ask the system administrators to create a scope for you.
$ rucio-admin scope add --account=<your_IAM_account_name> --scope <Experiment_Institute_Project>
$ rucio-admin scope list
You can list the available RSEs distributed across Europe with:
rucio list-rses
You can either upload single files, create a dataset, and attach the files to the dataset, or you can directly upload your folder (and the command will automatically create a dataset):
Example of how to upload single files to the CERN RSE:
$ rucio upload --register-after-upload --scope ATLAS_LAPP_SP --rse CERN-EOS DM.LeptonResonance.Data20015_10TeV.root
The --register-after-upload
flag is important; if you omit it and the upload fails, you will not be able to use the same file name to upload it, you will have to rename it.
Example of how to create a dataset:
$ rucio add-dataset ATLAS_LAPP_SP:DM.LeptonResonance.Data20015_10TeV
Example of how to attach files to your dataset:
$ rucio attach ATLAS_LAPP_SP:DM.LeptonResonance.Data20015_10TeV ATLAS_LAPP_SP:DM.LeptonResonance.Data20015_10TeV.root
Example of how to upload a whole file folder (cannot contain a folder within it):
$ rucio -v upload --register-after-upload --rse CERN-EOS --scope ATLAS_LAPP_SP --recursive ./folder_name/
To inspect all the datasets within a scope:
$ rucio list-dids --filter 'type=all' ATLAS_LAPP_SP:*
To display changes of files within one dataset:
$ rucio list-files ATLAS_LAPP_SP:DM.LeptonResonance.Data20015_10TeV
To see which rule protects your files:
$ rucio list-rules --account=<your_account>
To delete the files, either set a --lifetime flag when you upload data, or delete the replication rules associated to the data (the expiration wil be set in 1 hr time):
$ rucio delete-rule --purge-replicas --all rule_id
To add and look for metadata associated to a file or data set:
$ rucio set-metadata --did ATLAS_LAPP_SP:DM.LeptonResonance.Data20015_10TeV --key KEY --value VALUE
$ rucio get-metadata --plugin JSON ATLAS_LAPP_SP:DM.LeptonResonance.Data20015_10TeV
$ rucio list-dids-extended --filter 'type=all' --filter 'KEY=VALUE' ATLAS_LAPP_SP:*
DO NOT use the value True or False for the VALUE variable, as this will not be recognised by Rucio.
You should keep in mind that the scope will not get deleted from the Rucio memory.
You can visualize which data and rules are associated to your account by navigating to the Rucio UI platform.
Have a look at the rucio client documentation to perform more actions on your recently uploaded data. You can also upload your data in a more user-friendly way using the [Jupyterhub interface]( File Browser).
Rucio RESTful APIs
Interacting with the client environment can be done through the Docker container, or through the RestAPI. This is a way for developers to be able to integrate any kind of scripts into the environment without the need of installing all the Rucio CLI dependencies.