Full Documentation
This section is dedicated to a full documentation of both the frontend and backend components of the extension. This is intended as a guide for future developers.
Folder Structure
Here is the basic folder structure of the major frontend and backend components of this extension. This documentation will be separated by frontend and backend components.
├── pyproject.toml
├── requirements.txt
├── setup.py
├── src/ #frontend
│ ├── API/
│ │ ├── API_functions.tsx
│ │ ├── handler.tsx
│ ├── components/
│ │ ├── NavBar.tsx
│ │ ├── SearchPanel.tsx
│ │ ├── SideBarPanel.tsx
│ │ └── login.tsx
│ ├── icons/
│ │ ├── ZenodoBlueTitle.tsx
│ │ ├── z_icon.svg
│ │ ├── zenodo-black.svg
│ │ └── zenodo-blue.svg
│ ├── index.tsx
│ └── svg.d.tsx
├── zenodo_jupyterlab/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── _version.py
│ ├── labextension/
│ │ ├── build_log.json
│ │ ├── package.json
│ │ └── static/
│ └── server/ #backend
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── extension.py
│ ├── handlers.py
│ ├── search.py
│ ├── testConnection.py
│ └── tests/
│ ├── test_search.py
│ └── test_testConnection.py