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Frontend Documentation

General Framework

The building of the of the frontend JupyterLab extension is handled entirely within pyproject.toml in the root directory, which was originally generated from the copier template. All of the frontend components were originally generated with copier template of a JupyterLab extension: template. This extension is built with NodeJS >= 20 with node dependencies contained within yarn.lock.

Files in src/


This file creates the entire frontend extension as a widget and adds it to the running Jupyter Lab session.

class ZenodoWidget

Extends @lumino/widgets/Widget.

This houses the entire extension. Given the nature of @lumino/widgets/Widget, this component is defined without React, though the SideBarPanel which is a sub-component that contains the all of the content of the widget is developed with React as are all futher sub-components.

constructor(app: @jupyterlab/application/JupyterFrontEnd)

Extends the super type's constructor, as well as defines the app associated with the widget as the passed app (notably, the one that is active). Three properties are also defined and initialized that describe which section (Login, Search, or Upload) are showing when the extension is initially loaded. Basic widget styling is added as well from the /style/base.css file, and an icon is added to the sidebar, imported as an svg string and interpreted as a @jupyterlab/ui-components/LabIcon object.


  • private root: react-dom/client/Root
  • private app: JupyterFrontEnd
  • booleans mentioned in constructor


Creates the root component from the inherited Widget.node object. Also calls the render function defined below.


Unmounts the root component.

Toggle functions

toggleLogin, toggleUpload, and toggleSearch control the state of the booleans mentioned in the constructor that define which component is visible within the SideBarPanel component. Once these have been toggled, the whole component is re-rendered.


Simply runs the root objects .render function, passing the imported SideBarPanel component with the app and booleans passed to that component. This serves to render the whole widget on command to reflect changes. Note: This is necessary because the ZenodoWidget class is an extension of the Widget class and is by definition not a React component, thus useEffect() cannot be used.


activate(app: JupyterFrontEnd, palette: ICommandPalette, restorer: ILayoutRestorer | null)

Function that defines how the widget is initialized and defines the app commands relating to the widget.

Commands added to the hosted Jupyter instance:

  • "zenodo-jupyterlab: search": Toggles the search field
  • "zenodo-jupyterlab: login": Toggles the login field
  • "zenodo-jupyterlab: upload": Toggles the upload field
  • "zenodo: open":
  • Creates new widget if widget is disposed
  • Defines widget tracker via @jupyterlab/apputils/WidgetTracker
  • Attaches widget to the Jupyter Lab Shell on the sidebar

Finally, the function executes the "zenodo:open" command.


plugin: JupyterFrontEndPlugin

Defines the plugin in which the widget is housed and attaches the activate function defined above. Requires @jupyterlab/apputils/ICommandPalette and includes optional package @jupyterlab/application/ILayoutRestorer. This plugin is exported as the extension.



This file defines the functions that access the API endpoints set up in the backend. It does so via the requestAPI function defined in handlers.tsx below.

getEnvVariable(varName: string)

Makes a GET request to the zenodo-jupyterlab/env API endpoint with the encoded argument env_var and the value passed in the function call. Returns the response from the API endpoint.

Returns: data or console.error message

setEnvVariable(key: string, value: string)

Makes a POST request to the zenodo-jupyterlab/env API endpoint with a stringified JSON object containing the key and value passed to the function. Returns nothing or console.error message.


Makes a POST request to the zenodo-jupyterlab/zenodo-api API endpoint with a stringified JSON object: {action: "check-connection"}. This action component relays which ZenodoAPI action to take in the endpoint, which contains both logic for checking the connection and for uploading a deposit. Returns the response from the endpoint.

Returns: data or console.error message

depositUpload(payload: UploadPayload)

Note: The UploadPayload type is simply a JSON dictionary with specified keys, imported rather than defined here for simplicity; its definition is housed in /src/components/type.tsx.
Makes a POST request to the zenodo-jupyterlab/zenodo-api API endpoint with a stringified JSON object containing payload. Returns the response from the endpoint.

Returns: data or console.error message

searchRecords(search_field: string, page: number, kwargs: Record<string, any> = {})

Note: The kwargs argument takes in a Record string, which is simply a flexible definition of a dictionary with the stated variable types for keys and values.
Generates the URI encoded URL for the API endpoint by first appending string_field and page and then iterating through kwargs. Makes a GET request to zenodo-jupyterlab/search-records with these encoded arguments. Returns the response from the endpoint.

Returns: data or console.error message

searchCommunities(search_field: string, page: number)

Makes a GET request to the 'zenodo-jupyterlab/search-communitiesendpoint withsearch_fieldandpage` encoded. Returns the response from the endpoint.

Returns: data or console.error message

recordInformation(recordID: number)

Makes a GET request to the zenodo-jupyterlab/record-information API endpoint with recordID encoded. Returns the response from the endpoint.

Returns: data or console.error message


Makes a GET request to the zenodo-jupyterlab/server-info API endpoint. Returns the response from the endpoint.

Returns: data or console.error message


Makes a FETCH request to zenodo-jupyterlab/env API endpoint with env_var as ZENODO_SANDBOX.

Returns: value or console.error message


This file defines a function for making API requests.

class NetworkError extends Error

Build errors completely identically to Error, but tags them as Network Errors (i.e. connection issues to backend API).

class ResponseError extends Error

Build errors completely identically to Error, but tags them as Response Errors (i.e. issues in the backend API).

requestAPI(endPoint: string, init: RequestInit)

Pulls the settings from the @jupyterlab/services/ServerConnection.makeSettings() to build the full request URL from the settings.baseURL and endPoint. Retrieves the CSRF token from the getCsrfToken function defined below, which is then passed as a header on the request to bypass authentication issues. Returns the response from the API endpoint or an error.

Returns: data or NetworkError or ResponseError


Makes a FETCH request to the zenodo-jupyterlab/xsrf_token API endpoint, and returns the response.

Returns: xsrfToken or Error



Contains the component that displays the file browser in the Upload tab of the extension. Note: all styling is contained within useStyles, which is initialized via react-jss.createUseStyles.

interface FileBrowserProps

Defines a parameter of onSelectFile of type OnSelectFile, which is a customized function type that takes in a string and returns nothing, imported from components/type.tsx. This is created to pass the OnSelectFile function defined in components/upload.tsx to the file browser.

const FileBrowser: React.FC<FileBrowserProps>

File browser component

useState Properties
    const [entries, setEntries] = useState<FileEntry[]>([]);
const [currentPath, setCurrentPath] = useState<string>('');
const [rootPath, setRootPath] = useState<string>('');
const [error, setError] = useState<string>('');
const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(false);
const [selectedEntries, setSelectedEntries] = useState<Set<string>>(new Set());
const [selectAll, setSelectAll] = useState<boolean>(false);

Defines fetchRootPath, which sets loading to true and awaits getServerRootDir, defined in API/API_functions. Sets rootPath and currentPath to the returned path. Throws an error if any process fails.


Defines loadFiles function, which makes a FETCH request to the zenodo-jupyterlab/files API endpoint with currentPath encoded. Sets entries to the list of entries returned from the API endpoint. Calls loadFiles upon changes to currentPath.

handleClick(entry: FileEntry)

Note: FileEntry is a specialized dictionary defined in components/type.tsx.
If the selected entry was a directory, this function sets currentPath to the path of that entry.

handleBreadcrumbClick(path: string)

When a breadcrumb (shortbut path links displayed when in nested directories) is clicked, simply sets currentPath to that breadcrumb's path.

Executes on changes to currentPath or rootPath. Normalized the syntax of the paths, then iterate through each section of currentPath after rootPath. During this iteration, builds a list of React.Fragments which house the breadcrumbs for each nested directory, complete with click logic (handleBreadcrumbClick).

Returns: breadcrumbItems: list

handleSelectChange(path: string, isChecked: boolean)

Compiles a list of all currently checked files within the browser, held in selectedEntries. This function also handles unchecking and removing of entries from this list. Also includes logic that toggles the "Select All" checkbox if the number of entries selected equals the length of the list.

Returns: newEntries


Iterates through selectedEntries and applies the argument function onSelectFile to each's full path. Then sets selectedEntries to an empty Set.


Returns the Filebrowser component, comprised of the breadcrumbs, the "Select All" checkbox, the list of files in the current directory (with a folder or file icon, title, size, and date modified), and a "Select" button, which triggers handleSelectFiles.

Component that houses the navigation bar, below the Zenodo title icon in the widget. Note: all styling is contained within useStyles, which is initialized via react-jss.createUseStyles.

interface NavBarProps

Defines an app parameter of type @jupyterlab/application/JupyterFrontEnd. This done is order to use the commands defined in index.tsx.

The navigation bar component.

Click Handlers

All click handlers simply trigger the app command corresponding to that button's title. For instance, pressing the "Search" button trigger the zenodo-jupyterlab: search command.


Returns the NavBar component, complete with 3 buttons corresponding to the 3 panels available in the widget: "Login", "Search", and "Upload".


This file houses the SearchWidget component, which contains all of the search logic and displays the results. Note: all styling is contained within useStyles, which is initialized via react-jss.createUseStyles.

SearchWidget: React.FC

Component housing all of the search related features.

useState Properties
    const [results, setResults] = useState<any[]>([]);
const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState('');
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
const [selectedType, setSelectedType] = useState('records');
const [lastSearchType, setLastSearchType] = useState('records');
const [hasSearched, setHasSearched] = useState(false);
const [selectedRecordID, setSelectedRecordID] = useState<number | null>(null);
const [recordInfo, setRecordInfo] = useState<any>({});
const [recordLoading, setRecordLoading] = useState(false);
const [resultsPage, setResultsPage] = useState(1);
const [endPage, setEndPage] = useState(false);
const [selectedCommunityTitle, setSelectedCommunityTitle] = useState<string | null>(null);
const [selectedCommunityID, setSelectedCommunityID] = useState<string | null>(null);
const [triggerSearch, setTriggerSearch] = useState(false);

Upon changes in triggerSearch or selectedCommunityID, this runs handleSearch, passing the resultsPage, selectedType, and a dictionary of the form {"communities": selectedCommunityID} as arguments. Then sets triggerSearch to false.

handleSearch(page: number, type: string, kwrgs: Record<string, any> = {})

This function calls searchRecords or searchCommunities, both imported from API/API_functions, depending on type. Then, sets results to the returned data. Sets lastSearchedType to type, as well.

handleCheckboxChange(type: string)

Sets selectedType to whichever checkbox was selected.

handleRecordRowClick(recordID: number)

If the selected record is already selected, selectedRecordID is set to null and recordInfo is set to an empty dictionary. Otherwise, the function makes a call to recordInformation, imported from API/API_functions.tsx and sets recordInfo to what is returned.

handleCommunityClick(communityID: string, communityTitle: string)

Runs the following:


Increments resultsPage and sets triggerSearch to true. If the results is not greater than 0, then it also sets endPage to true.


Sets endPage to false, then decrements resultsPage, and triggers the search.


Sets endPage to false, sets resultsPage to 1, and triggers the search.


Sets selected community related parameters to null, sets resultsPage to 1, and triggers the search.

getFileNameFromUrl(url: string)

Parses the passed url into a URL object. Strips "/content" from the paths. Then returns the last segment of the url.

Returns: fileName

cleanrUrl(url: string)

Converts the link attached to the record to a usable download link by stripping the "/content" off of the end and removing "/api" from the path as well.

Returns: url


Always renders a search bar, checkboxes for "records" or "communities" and a "Search" button. The rest is rendered conditionally:

  • If hasSearched and selectedType is records, it displays a list of the returned records, specifically their title, date published, and resource type.
  • If a record has been selected, it displays that record's extra information.
  • If the user is searching within a community, the name is displayed above the list results.
  • If hasSearched and selectedType is communities, it displays a list of the returned communities, specifically their title and date published.
  • If hasSearched but results.length !> 0, it displays a screen saying there are no results returned.

The Next and Last page buttons are displayed below the results.


This is the main component of the extension. This houses every single element. Note: all styling is contained within useStyles, which is initialized via react-jss.createUseStyles.

interface SideBarProps

  • app: JupyterFrontEnd
  • showLogin: boolean
  • showSearch: boolean
  • showUpload: boolean

SideBarPanel: React.FC<SideBarProps>

Contains all rendered content of the extension.


Returns the Zenodo Title logo (icons/ZenodoBlueTitle) and the NavBar component, with the app passed as an argument. Conditionally renders either Login, SearchWdiget, or Upload depending on the values of the interface props.


File containing the confirmation page component of the upload component. Note: all styling is contained within useStyles, which is initialized via react-jss.createUseStyles.

interface (Defined in line with component)

  • title: string
  • resourceType: string
  • creators: { name: string; affiliation: string }[]
  • doi: string
  • filePaths: string[]
  • isSandbox: boolean
  • description: string
  • onEdit: () => void
  • onConfirm: () => void

Confirmation: React.FC<Props>

Component that is comprised of the users inputted information into the upload page along with a "Confirm" and "Edit" button.


Returns a panel with all of the users inputted information for the record in the upload page, before pressing "Next".


  • If no doi is given, the confirmation page simply displays "automatic".
  • If no description is given, the confirmation page displays "none given".
  • The confirmation displays whether or not the deposit is being made to Zenodo or Zenodo Sandbox.
  • The functions triggered by "Edit" and "Confirm" are passed as arguments to this component when rendered in components/upload.tsx.


This file contains the logic and design for the Login component of the extension. Note: all styling is contained within useStyles, which is initialized via react-jss.createUseStyles.

Login: React.FC

Component housing the login interface of the extension.

useState Properties
    const [APIKey, setAPIKey] = useState('');
const [outputData, setOutputData] = useState<string | null>(null);
const [connectionStatus, setConnectionStatus] = useState<string | null>(null);
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
const [isSandbox, setIsSandbox] = useState(false);
handleLogin: useCallback

Function that relies on the setting of APIKey and isSandbox. Firstly, passes isSandbox to the setEnvVariable function from API/API_functions.tsx, which sets the env var ZENODO_SANDBOX. Then, the function uses setEnvVariable and getEnvVariable and verifies whether or not a key was given in the field. If not, it checks if there is one stored. If yes, then it stores the new key in the environment. Then, it executes testAPIConnection, which is defined below.

handleCheckboxChange(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>)

Sets isSandbox corresponding to the state of the checkbox.


Executes testZenodoConnection from API/API_functions.tsx. Based on the response, sets connectionStatus to either a success or failure message.


Returns a field for entering the Zenodo access token, a checkbox indicating whether the user wishes to log in to the standard or sandbox platform, and a "Login" button. Conditionally renders messages indicating the success of storing variables in the environment and the validity of the access token in the chosen platform.


File containing all of the styling and logic for the Upload tab of the extension. Note: all styling is contained within useStyles, which is initialized via react-jss.createUseStyles.

Upload: React.FC

Component containing all of the upload-related content.

useState Properties
    const [title, setTitle] = useState('');
const [resourceType, setResourceType] = useState('');
const [creators, setCreators] = useState([{ name: '', affiliation: '' }]);
const [doi, setDoi] = useState('');
const [isExpanded, setIsExpanded] = useState(false);
const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState('');
const [selectedFilePaths, setSelectedFilePaths] = useState<string[]>([]);
const [isConfirmationVisible, setIsConfirmationVisible] = useState(false);
const [isSandbox, setIsSandbox] = useState(false);
const [description, setDescription] = useState('');
const [expandedFile, setExpandedFile] = useState<string | null>(null);

Defines a fetchSandboxStatus function that makes a FETCH request to zenodo-jupyterlab/env with the encoded env_var=ZENODO_SANDBOX. Sets isSandbox depending on the returned value. This function is executed on loading on the component.

handleFileClick(filePath: string)

Sets expandedFile to either null or the new filePath, depending on whether or not the same was selected that was already expanded.

handleFileRemove(filePath: string)

Sets selectedFilePaths to the same list excluding the current filePath.

handleFileSelect(filePath: string)

Appends the selected filePath to the existing selectedFilePaths.

handleTitleChange(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>)

Sets title to the form data.

handleResourceTypeChange(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>)

Sets resourceType to the form data.

handleDoiChange(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>)

Sets doi to the form data.

handleCreatorChange(index: number, key: 'name' | 'affiliation', value: string)

Creates a new Set based on creators, then changes the value of an entry based on index and key. Then, sets this new Set to creators.


Appends a blank creator to the end of creators.


Verifies whether or not all required information has been input; if not, generates an error message at the top of the page and exits the function. Otherwise, sets confirmationVisible to true.


This function hides the confirmation page (passed through to the Confirmation component).


Generates a FormData object with the input data. Defines an UploadPayload object (specific dictionary defined in components/type.tsx). Calls depositUpload, defined in API/API_functions, and passes payload.

fileName(filePath: string)

Returns: Last segment of filePath


If confirmationVisible, renders the Confirmation component with the following passed as arguments:

isSandbox = {isSandbox}

If not, the Upload Panel is rendered, which contains fields for every editable part of the deposit, with red asterisks denoting the required fields. The Filebrowser is also rendered, having handleFileSelect passed as an argument. Further, a list of selected files is conditionally rendered based on whether or not there are currently files selected.